The official inauguration of the Hélios solar park in Jemeppe-sur-Sambre took place on 26/09/2024. The facility was commissioned on 04/09/2024, a symbolic date as it marks the start of construction exactly one year earlier.

The sun may not have blessed us with its presence, but we were fortunate to have Sophie Wilmès, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Cécile Neven, Walloon Minister for Energy and the Air-Climate Plan, Denis Mathen, Governor of the Province of Namur, and the CEOs of INEOS INOVYN and Perpetum Energy, Geir Tuft and Luc Leenknegt.


The Hélios solar park project will provide 60MW of renewable electricity and reduce emissions by 14,000 tonnes of CO2 annually.

Press news:

On february 2024, 24.000 of the 90.000 pannels already installed. This facility will be the largest in Wallonia!  Work is progressing rapidly, and the commissioning is expected in July 2024.

The INOVYN – JEMEPPE-SUR-SAMBRE project will provide 60MW of renewable electricity and reduce emissions by 14,000 tonnes of CO2 annually.

Luc Leenknegt, CEO and founder of PerPetum Energy said, ‘We are proud to contribute to INEOS Inovyn’s environmental objectives. This project is totally in line with PerPetum Energy’s mission: to help industrial companies and large consumers to reduce the carbon footprint of their consumption as much as possible, by offering them an optimised mix of multi-technology solutions such as photovoltaics, wind power and energy storage.’

They talk about us:


On December 12, 2023, the commissioning of the photovoltaic installation in Marche-Les-Dames, owned by the Lhoist group, took place. Comprising 6,831 panels and covering an area of about 4.4 hectares, this park will produce 4.7 MWh per year (equivalent to the consumption of 2,300 Walloon households). About 80% of the energy produced by the park will be directly consumed by the Marche-Les-Dames factory, helping to avoid the emission of 2,100 tonnes of CO2 per year.

The photovoltaic carport at Pairi Daiza received the Public’s Choice Award for Sustainable Infrastructure 2023 at the Green Solutions Awards ceremony, held on September 19 at the Tour&Taxis site in Brussels.

The Green Solutions Awards are prizes awarded by Construction21, the network for information and networking among players in sustainable construction.

This is both an encouragement and a source of pride for the teams at Prefabois, Perpetum Energy, and Green4Power, who have been working for years with Pairi Daiza’s Energy & Sustainable Development department on this solar installation, the extension of which will soon be commissioned.

As the winner of this Green Solutions Award received on September 19, the Pairi Daiza solar carport will automatically participate in the International Grand Prix for Sustainable Infrastructure, held during the COP28 climate conference in Dubai from November 30 to December 12, 2023.

Perpetum Energy, Prefabois, Green4Power, and Pairi Daiza also hope to impress the international community with what is currently the largest solar carport in the world.


The project initiated by the City of Soignies in 2020 is now set to come to life. This “photovoltaic island,” composed of panels installed on the water body of the Perlonjour quarry, will generate renewable electricity while contributing to the local energy transition.

To carry out this ambitious and innovative project, Soignies is partnering with the citizen cooperative CLEF and the investment fund Green for Power SA (G4P).

Specifically, 12,500 photovoltaic panels will be installed on the water body of the Perlonjour quarry in 2024. Covering an area of 28,986 m², the park will be the size of four football fields, making it one of the largest floating photovoltaic parks in Wallonia.

With a maximum capacity of 6.124 MWp, its annual production is estimated at 5,695 MWh/year, which will supply renewable electricity to the equivalent of 1,630 Walloon households.

Priority for the residents of Soignies

The project has now passed all the steps needed for its realization: obtaining a single permit, acquiring the land rights for the quarry (owned by HOLCIM), and finally, through a public tender, the selection of the citizen cooperative CLEF and the investment fund G4P (owned by SOCOFE and Perpetum Energy BV) for the construction and operation of the park.

“As a signatory of the Covenant of Mayors, the City of Soignies is committed to fighting climate change and implementing sustainable energy policies,” says the Mayor, Fabienne WINCKEL. “We are committed to achieving—and even exceeding—the European CO2 reduction goals and developing renewable energy on our territory. The photovoltaic island project is fully aligned with this approach, while allowing citizens to contribute to the local energy transition.”

Interested citizens can now come forward to become co-owners. It should be noted that the municipal council has required the future cooperative to give absolute priority to the residents of Soignies. They will be the ones who can purchase shares first. Beyond this initial priority, the project will then be open to other investors.


L’entrée de Perpetum Energy sur le marché français ne peut se faire qu’avec l’accompagnement d’un partenaire solide et compétent. Pour cette raison, en 2022, nous avons choisi d’adhérer au Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables. Les missions du S.E.R sont les suivantes:  Accroître la part des énergies renouvelables dans la production énergétique de la France  – Participer activement à l’élaboration des textes législatifs et réglementaires. Il contribue également aux débats européens concernant nos secteurs – Accompagner nos adhérents et faciliter leur déploiement en France et à l’international – Développer et promouvoir des labels et certifications de qualité tels que le label Flamme Verte et la certification AQPV.

SOCOFE vient d’entrer dans le capital de Green4Power (G4P), le véhicule d’investissement de Perpetum Energy, qui exploite à ce jour un portefeuille d’installations photovoltaïques de plus de 80MWc, dont 60% en Wallonie. Ce partenariat a pour but d’accélérer le déploiement des technologies de production d’énergies renouvelables, et concrétise la volonté de SOCOFE de participer à la croissance d’un véhicule stratégique dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables.

Green4Power est désormais détenu à 70% par PerPetum Energy Holding et à 30% par SOCOFE.

Déjà propriétaire du plus grand parc photovoltaïque de Wallonie (Pairi Daiza, Brugelette) et de la deuxième plus grande installation photovoltaïque de Belgique (Aperam, Genk), l’ambition de G4P est de déployer, d’ici fin 2026, 500MWc de moyens de production d’énergies renouvelables (photovoltaïque, éolien, … ainsi qu’unités de stockage afin de faciliter l’intégration du renouvelable dans les réseaux).

Dans le cadre du développement de nos activités en France, nous souhaitions démontrer notre savoir-faire auprès de nos futurs clients. Pour cette raison, nous avons entamé et réussi le parcours qui nous a mené à la certification AQ PV par Certisolis, marque qui respecte les exigences de la norme NF EN ISO 17065 et qui nous permet, en tant que contractant général, de respecter les exigences des appels d’offres CRE. AQ PV constitue un repère pour les maîtres d’ouvrage privés ou publics qui souhaitent avoir recours à des opérateurs maîtrisant l’ensemble des savoir-faire nécessaires à la conception, la construction et l’exploitation-maintenance d’installations photovoltaïques de toute puissance.

Perpetum Energy est reconnu officiellement détenteur du droit d’usage de la marque AQ PV depuis le 22 Septembre 2022.


Nos marques

Gigantische zonnepanelen carport “Daarmee zijn we één van de meest duurzame winkelcentra van ons land”.

Waasland Shopping in Sint-Niklaas heeft de nieuwe carport officieel in gebruik genomen. Daarmee kan het shoppingcenter zo’n 17% van zijn eigen energie opwekken. “Ook in de toekomst willen we blijven investeren in duurzaamheid, dit om onze ambitie klimaatneutraal te zijn tegen 2050 waar te maken.” Klinkt het.

Het project is een volledige realisatie van Perpetum Energy Benelux en meteen ook één van de grootste carports in Vlaanderen. Perpetum tekende trouwens eerder ook al voor de grootste carport van Europa. (zie ons project te Brugelette, Pairi Daiza)

Door samen op de knop te drukken, activeerden burgemeester Lieven Dehandschutter van Sint-Niklaas, Vincent Hermans van Waasland Shopping, Toon De Meester van beheerder Ceusters en Luc Leenknegt CEO van Perpetum Energy de 1.550 zonnepanelen op de 4.362 m2 grote carport. Goed voor een vermogen van 1 MWp.

Waasland Shopping zal de komende maanden nog 50 laadpalen plaatsen, goed voor 100 laadpunten. Dit stelt zo’n 30% van de in totaal 310 parkeerplaatsen voor op parking C van het winkelcentrum. De bezoekers kunnen aan een voordelig tarief hun auto met groene energie opladen tijdens hun winkelbezoek. Bovendien zijn ze beschut tegen weer en wind.

Binnen enkele maanden zal Waasland Shopping meer dan 500.000 kilogram CO2-uitstoot per jaar kunnen besparen, het winkelcentrum kan uitgroeien tot het eerste energie-neutrale shopping center in ons land. Ook voor de stad Sint-Niklaas is dit een mijlpaal.


Waasland Shopping is taking into use a gigantic solar carport of more than 4,000 m2. “This makes us one of the most sustainable shopping centers in our country”.

Waasland Shopping in Sint-Niklaas has officially put the new carport into use. This allows the shopping center to generate about 17% of its own energy. “We also want to continue to invest in sustainability in the future, in order to achieve our ambition to be climate neutral by 2050.” It sounds.

The project is a full realization of Perpetum Energy Benelux and also one of the largest carports in Flanders. Perpetum also previously designed and constructed the largest carport in Europe. (see our project at Brugelette, Pairi Daiza).

By pressing the button together, mayor Lieven Dehandschutter of Sint-Niklaas, Vincent Hermans of Waasland Shopping, Toon De Meester of building manager Ceusters and Luc Leenknegt CEO of Perpetum Energy activated the 1,550 solar panels on the 4,362 m2 large carport. Good for a capacity of 1 MWp.

Waasland Shopping will install 50 charging stations in the coming months, good for 100 charging points. This represents about 30% of the total of 310 parking spaces in car park C of the shopping center. Visitors can then charge their car with green energy at an advantageous rate during their visit to the store. In addition, they are sheltered from wind and weather.

Within a few months, Waasland Shopping will be able to save more than 500,000 kilograms of CO2 emissions per year, the shopping center can become the first energy-neutral shopping center in our country. This is also a milestone for the city of Sint-Niklaas.

Peter Colpaert
Area Manager Perpetum Energy